Panels on Roof Sun

Our Approach: 6 Step Process

At Outback Solar, we're more than just a solar provider; we're your long-term partner in ensuring your system is performing well and working at its best. Our approach ensures that every step, from initial consultation to ongoing support, is tailored to your needs. With a dedication to quality, transparency, and honesty, we guide you on your journey to energy independence. Find out more about our tried-and-tested 6 Step process that has empowered many Australians to make the switch to solar.

1. Consultation and Site Assessment

We begin by understanding your unique energy needs, concerns, and goals. Our in-person consultation visit ensures that we capture the details of your energy consumption, and conduct a thorough site assessment so we can craft a solution that fits you perfectly.

Consultation and Site Assessment​

2. Bespoke System Design

Based on the initial consultation and site assessment, our team creates a bespoke solar design tailored to your energy needs. We use hand-picked solar products that meet our strict criteria for quality and performance, ensuring a system that aligns with your goals.

Bespoke System Design​

3. Transparent Proposal

With your design in hand, we present a detailed proposal that outlines system specifications, expected energy savings, costings, and return on investment, ensuring you have all the information needed to make an informed decision.

Transparent Proposal

4. Professional Installation

Our local, All Australian team of CEC qualified and accredited electricians will install your solar system with precision and care. After installation, we thoroughly test the system to ensure it's operating at peak efficiency and complies with all relevant regulations.

Installer on roof

5. Monitoring & Support

Once your system is live, we initiate our 24/7 monitoring system to track your solar performance. With our rapid response service, any potential issues are quickly identified and resolved, providing you with peace of mind.

Monitoring & Support

6. Long-term Relationship

Our relationship doesn't end after installation. We see every project as the start of a long-term partnership. Through continuous support and scheduled maintenance checks, we stay connected, ensuring your system consistently delivers its best. Together, we'll navigate the journey of energy independence and contributing to a greener Australia.

Happy couple enjoying low electricity bills

Talk to an Outback Solar Consultant to find out more about our approach and 6 step process